The Next Yesterday
Saturday, August 9, 2014
The Coolest Tribute To Madonna You'll Ever Need.
Express Yourself,
Girl Gone WIld,
Hung Up,
Like A Prayer,
Ray Of Light,
Cody Calafiore from Big Brother 16
Big Brother 16,
Cody Calafiore,
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Considering its recent popularity -- there are currently more than 10 million self-described CrossFitters -- it's worth asking if CrossFit is really all it's cracked up to be. And according to a small new study commissioned by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), your WOD really is working.
A team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's exercise physiology program monitored 16 healthy and fit volunteers as they burpee'd and thrusted their way through two separate CrossFit workouts, Donkey Kong and Fran. The men burned nearly 21 calories a minute while women burned just over 12. Each routine took varying amounts of time to complete, however, all the participants maintained an elevated heart rate throughout the entire workout and reached about 80 percent of their VO2max, satisfying fitness industry guidelines for improving cardiovascular endurance, according to ACE.
The benefits of CrossFit and other high-intensity interval workouts are especially intriguing to many busy people, since they accomplish a lot in a short period of time. But "high-intensity" is the key phrase: These workouts are not for everyone. Not only is CrossFit's intensity "off the charts," Porcari said, but the sport of fitness also encourages competition, which could push some athletes to injury -- or worse. Tales abound of "Uncle Rhabdo", an unofficial mascot of CrossFit, afflicted with rhabdomyolysis, an all-jokes-aside, potentially-fatal breakdown of muscle that could strike CrossFitters who don't respect their limits.
To reap the benefits of CrossFit injury-free, first-timers should look for a gym, called a box, with a caring and invested coaching staff where they can try out some introductory workouts. But with the right nod to safety, the research supports going totally beast mode.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The Hot Men of ARROW!
Want to know where to tune in to see hot men this fall? Go no further than the CW's "Arrow."
The CW knows who its audience is.

Well, Arrow is entering the first stages of giving the audience what they want with this offering -- four shirtless photos of the male actors who will be featured in Arrow's second season, debuting Oct. 7. And if you are part of that audience, you may now feast your eyes on the goods, because, damn, people on television sure are very, very attractive.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and shed some bitter tears all over my chubby, old-man blubber.
I’d like to talk to you about…MASTURBATION
A look at masturbation by RIC DENTON
Yes, I said it. One of those words that is germane to all humans, yet one that few humans like to talk about because most dislike admitting that they enjoy it, let alone that they do it. Well…I don’t know if I’m being unfair, but it certainly seems to be the case that the subject makes many people shrink with uber-shyness. Is it because we fear that others will immediately get a mental image of us bopping if we say we do it? Maybe. I understand. It’s (typically) a private thing.
A look at masturbation by RIC DENTON
Yes, I said it. One of those words that is germane to all humans, yet one that few humans like to talk about because most dislike admitting that they enjoy it, let alone that they do it. Well…I don’t know if I’m being unfair, but it certainly seems to be the case that the subject makes many people shrink with uber-shyness. Is it because we fear that others will immediately get a mental image of us bopping if we say we do it? Maybe. I understand. It’s (typically) a private thing.
See, I want us to all be comfortable here, to be able to
talk about the FACT that we masturbate without shame. Meaning, I want us to
talk about it without shame, and I want us to do it without shame. Why? Because
it feels good. It’s just that simple. And because it’s good for us physically
and chemically. And because it feels good. And because it’s a sign of a healthy psycho-sexual self-identity. And because it feels good.
So, you may have noticed above that I mention the good
feelings part a few times. There’s no accident there. I believe that we humans
have been directed to avoid things that feel good to us by far too many moral
decrees out there and I, for one, am here to tell you that you can ignore—even
push off a bridge (ok, not really)—anyone who tells you that masturbation is a
“bad” thing. They just aren’t doing it right, clearly.
Now, I’m not here to tell you how to do it. I think that
most people reading this article know their own style of getting themselves off
by now, or are exploring new ways as time moves forward. AND GOOD FOR YOU!
What I am here to talk about, and to blow to smithereens, is
the idea—the stigma—that masturbation is a sad
thing, something that is reserved for those who do not, or cannot, get sex on
the regular. And don’t even tell me that mentality doesn’t exist out there
because I know it does. I actually had someone say to me, “Well, I don’t
masturbate, and why would I, because I can have actual sex with another person,
and as long as I can do that, I see no need to masturbate.”
Really, dude? Bullshit.
You mean to tell me that the other person you supposedly get
to fuck whenever you are horny satisfies ALL of your fantasies? Wow.
Ok then. If that is the case, then you are truly lucky because you found a fucking
unicorn in human form. And, if that really is the case and it works, then go on
with your excellent, nearly-impossible-to-comprehend sex life.
But, for the rest of us, who are very multi-layered and, in
my opinion, need different things depending on the day: there’s porn.
Yes, people, we like porn. Let us just say it. WE. LIKE.
PORN! And some of us even love it because—WOW!—all the different flavors you
can access out there! And what did we learn from
studying Sigmund Freud? Huh?
Twat was that? I cunt hear you... Oh, yeah! The brain is the most powerful sex
organ in the human body. When you stimulate it properly, all kinds of magical
things happen, and then you get to play with the magic and BAM! Sparkles and fireworks
and whatever else your end-result looks like.
Yes. What I am advocating and pushing here is the concept
that self-love really is the best love because it is our first love. You know
what Ru-Paul says every week: “If you can’t love yourself, how the HELL you
gone love somebody else?” And she’s right, on more than just the emotional
level. It’s simple, really. When you have learned how to show yourself the
level of self-respect and kindness that is self-love, you innately come to
understand how to treat others. Likewise, when you learn how to touch yourself
and have explored all the ways you think feel good to you, then you can
interact with others sexually to do those awesome things to them (Ever play
with vibrators? Holy SHIT!), or you can ask them to do things to you that you
like on your own, and it’ll take you to a whole new level of letting go. Seriously.
Think of masturbation as on-the-job training for when the rubber hits the ass.
Or vagina. Or whatever it’s hitting.
All of this being said, I think we all know when and when
not to have conversations about such an intimate topic. This is not
water-cooler conversation at the office, unless you have some special
relationships with a co-worker. Or three. But who’s counting?
Again, this is a dialogue I’m opening up for you so that if
you are one of those people who are squeamish about the subject, you can,
hopefully, begin to relax and truly enjoy intimacy with your laptop on any
given night (or weekend afternoon), and not feel bad about the fact that you’re
not in a sexual relationship right now with another person. Be in one with
yourself, and learn what makes you truly hot, then pay that forward.

Well I’ll tell you: You’re there for when the time is right for BOTH of you to have sex. Are you always in the mood at the same time? Does it always feel like you’re in sync and that you’re truly in the moment and connecting? No. It does not. And that is the reason that YOU like to watch porn when your partner isn’t around or isn’t in the mood. People are on different sexy-time cycles, and it’s perfectly ok to admit that you need a virtual surrogate if your partner isn’t ready or available. Ok? Ok.
The obvious red flag is, of course, that if you or your
partner is always choosing to watch porn or masturbate as a preference to
having direct physical intimacy…it’s time for counseling, to open the
relationship up (because I don’t believe in prolonged monogamy, but that’s a
whole different post to come), or to just let go of each other and move on.
Every relationship has a shelf life. Every one of them, no matter how hot the
sex might seem when it happens.
So. You do you like nobody else can do you, and I promise
you will learn a thing or two, and I believe you will be able to relax and have
better sex because of it.
Beyond Ru-Paul’s advice, I think Madonna summed it up best:
“It’s human nature.”
Go with it.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
What Makes You Wet And A Mess?
I want to talk to you boys and girls about what I feel is a
lost art: Sensuality. It may seem
obvious that it’s not really lost, per se, but I do think that many, many
people don’t like putting the extra effort into exploring all the ways you can
make someone else’s body feel good before you get to the fucking and
(hopefully) make them feel fanfuckingtastic.
You can call this foreplay if you want, because it is, but it may not
necessarily fit the standard ideas of foreplay which I think most people envision
as a blowjob for guys, and some tongue-on-clit action for gals, or a finger
inserted here or there to warm up the hole for the grand act. You can (and
SHOULD!) include those in your love making, but before you even get there, here
are some of my favorite things to do to a body. I don’t consider these things
extra work or boring at all, cause when you’re hot for someone, you’re going
love giving your playmate pleasure with any of these. Some basic questions to consider are…
Do you like being slowly and methodically massaged all over?
Yes, you do. That means others do, too. And don’t feel bad about lingering on
super-hot spots. You’re making sexy time. Everything is fair game (unless someone is bruised
somewhere and it just plain hurts to touch).
Do you like to be kissed or even licked in random spots that
you never really think of as being kissable or lickable? I KNOW, right! Others
will, too. Now, I’m REALLY fucking
ticklish, and I know how awkward it can be when someone’s trying to be all sexy
and they touch the wrong spot and you knee their face in auto-protest. But it
CAN be overcome. Know how? You take their head in your hand and you guide it
like a big, seeing, smelling, tongue-wielding masturbation device. With your
hands connected to your partner, you’ll feel more in control and less apt to be
wigged out when those teeth brush your inner thigh or those whiskers graze over
your belly button.
Do you like sex with food? Like, with syrups and jellies and
fruits? ‘Cause if you do, then you’ve got get your fingers (clean, please)
sticky with the good stuff and put them in your partner’s mouth, and on their
body, on their naughty bits—or on yours—and have fun cleaning each other
up. I realize you might not be able to
get into this sort of thing with everyone, ‘cause some people may just not like
it, but just try it. If you enjoy the way your partner looks and feels already,
why not amp it up by making them the embodiment of some of your favorite
flavors? Talk about devouring someone…whoa baby.
Do you like to make out? Again, this may seem obvious, but
I’ve met men (yes, I’m gay) who just cannot get into kissing worth a goddamn. I
don’t understand it. The human mouth was designed for pleasure as well as a
vehicle for sustenance and, by god, it just needs to be crammed up against
another one for long, wet, sloppy sessions as often as possible. To be honest,
kissing is something that’ll make my dick hard faster than someone sucking on
it, but again, that’ll depend of if I’ve got a good kisser to work with. My
advice: KISS A LOT. If you don’t think you’re a good kisser, practice. A LOT.
‘Cause I mean, the things you can do with your fingers while your face is
smashed against someone else’s…do I really have to explain all that? No. I
know you get me there.
Do you know how to talk sexy to boot-kockin’ buddy? What I
mean is, while you’re making out, and you’ve got a finger or two massaging that
delicate flower, or you’re tugging on that growing tube-steak, work your way
around to your ear of choice and, in that purring voice unique to you, tell
them what you’re gonna do to them. Tell them how you’re gonna own it. Make them
tell you what they want, and then do it.
As I said, these are just a FEW of my favorite things. Also,
I realize that not every play session will require detailed sensuality. Sometimes, you just want to get right to the
fucking and sucking, or the jerking, or the fingering, or whatever works, and
get off because you’ve got things to do.
But, when you just really don’t have anything else to do, I think you
owe it to yourself to see just how skilled you are. You will get some amazing returns on your
investment. Trust me.
You can follow Ric on Facebook Denton
You can also listen to Ric discuss Sex and all kinds of stuff on his internet talk show.
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